Thursday 22 November 2012


ISRO exhorts industry to take bigger space bites
Enter satellite, rocket production: Radhakrishnan

SKY’S THE LIMIT:Indian Space Research Organisation chairmanK. Radhakrishnan going through the stalls, aft
er inaugurating a space exhibition in Bangalore on Wednesday.— Photo: K. Murali Kumar
The Indian Space Research Organisation has started working on a plan to hand over production of launch vehicles and communication satellites to industry, its Chairman and Secretary, Department of Space, K. Radhakrishnan, said here on Wednesday.
There was a heavy domestic demand for satellites for purposes of broadcasting, Earth observation and navigation, besides strategic and commercial needs.
To meet them all, “In the next two years, we need to work [with industry] on this in a mission mode. We need to [show the world] the new face of the Indian space industry,” Dr. Radhakrishnan exhorted participants at the inauguration of the four-day World Space Biz conference and the accompanying Bengaluru Space Exhibition.
If India did not move into such a production regime now, he cautioned, “We will feel the pinch in the next decade.”
Currently, some 500 industries participate in space programmes by supplying components, small structures for launch vehicles, satellites, and rocket propellants. However, they need to take on a bigger role, leaving the space agency to focus on improved and futuristic technologies. High-end R&D alone would keep the country among the world’s space leaders, he explained.
The national space agency and the Confederation of Indian Industry were in a dialogue to kick-start intensive industry participation. Some time back ISRO had proposed a large 250-acre space park near the satellite launching centre at Sriharikota where industries can build and deliver products directly to the spaceport. Ideally these players would be responsible for all aspects from making or sourcing raw materials up to ensuring that a satellite was on the launch pad.

.........................................Harikesh Singh 

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